Elder Scadden

Elder Scadden

Where's Gregory?

Where's Gregory?
Gregory is now home.
This is a moderated BLOG. Gregory does not make posts nor does he read or monitor this BLOG. His family maintains it for him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lasts and Firsts

Monday night all of the family that was in town got together for Gregory's last supper. We then all went to the stake center where Gregory was set apart as a Missionary by Pres. Harry Maxwell our stake president. It was a wonderful blessing filled with wonderful promises. Next was Gregory's last trip to Goodberry's followed by the last gathering at our house where we got our last hugs. Jenny got her's before he was set apart and got a last handshake instead. Then it was Gregory's last night at home.

We got up early the next morning and had our last family prayer and went to Cracker Barrel for his last meal with us. At the time we were having the worst snow storm in the last 5 years but the trip to the airport was uneventful. Linda and I checked him in and then said our last goodbyes and had our last hugs. It was a tearful time for us but Gregory couldn't stop smiling. We watched him go through security and got a last wave as he went to his gate.

Gregory took his cell phone with him so he could update us on his travels and arrival. He had a prepaid mailer to put his phone in and drop in the mail when he arrived at the MTC. We had cleared this ahead of time to make sure he was not violating the rules. It is Gregory's intent to be as obedient as possible at all times.

It is a good thing he had his phone so he could periodically update us on his status. The flight from RDU to Atlanta was delayed about 2 and a half hours due to the storm causing him to miss his connection to Salt Lake. He was able to get a seat on another flight and got to that gate just as they were boarding. I tracked his progress across the country with Delta's flight status page on the WEB. When he got to SLC he found that his baggage had not made his flight and was following on the next one. He decided to wait for it. The only thing he had eaten since breakfast was an $8 sandwich on the plane and now all of the food vendors were in the other side of the security gate. For some reason the flight with is baggage was diverted to Denver and further delayed. Gregory's baggage finally arrived and he took a shuttle to the MTC where he called us at 1:38 AM EST this morning and we had our last conversation. I could hear the happiness in his voice.

Our time of lasts became a time of firsts. Gregory's first full day as a full time missionary in service to the Lord, the first trip of his mission, his first missionary contact (he gave a pass along card to a fellow passenger) his first night and day in the MTC, ), the first day of our support, prayers and admiration for our Elder Scadden. There will be many more firsts in this wonderful journey Gregory has embarked on. We will try to keep you updated as the adventure continues.

Though we are sad to have him leave we are also joyful that he has chosen to devote himself to the Lords service and bring His gospel to the wonderful people of Albania. Our prayers, hopes and love go with him.

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