Elder Scadden

Elder Scadden

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Once upon a time in Albania (June 22, 2009)

Hello all from Albania!

We are having thunderstorms today, hopefully the power doesn't go out! I am doing well, I've been sick with a cold this week, but I am quite over it by now. I continue to be exhausted, it is one of the traits of a missionary I believe, especially here in Albania during the summer because we lose 30 minutes of sleep (which is supposed to be made up later with napping, but its not the same!) However, the Lord continues to bless me with strength and energy beyond my power.

Still no word on calls from the guys in our ward? I am very excited to find out where they are going! Maybe next week.

OK so I have a story. Elder Suell, who is in the other area here in Shkoder, and is Elder Smedley's companion, is going home this next transfer. He has served his time and his two years are up (just as a side comment it is transfer 16, and the girl that was waiting for him (who he encouraged to date around while he was gone?!?) might be interested in a new guy, yikes!) is on a trip to one of the nicest cities in Albania called Seranda, because at the end of your mission you get to go on a special trip with everyone you went to the MTC with. Well, because he was going to be gone for several days, it was necessary that one of us go down to Tirana with him and then stay there the three days. Well, we were told that that Elder should come prepared just to study the whole time, because they would be in the office with little to do. That is actually a somewhat exciting opportunity! Well Elder Smedley could not go because they have things here that needed to be done, so it was either Elder Flack or myself. We both wanted to go. It was decided that fate would decide by playing a game called 5 Crown that we play here a lot. The winner would be able to go. So we got back from working Saturday night, and buckled down to duke it out. It was an extremely close game, in fact the winner was not apparent until the very last round (there are 13 rounds) and elder Flack won! He told me to call the other Elders and tell them, so I called, and Elder Smedley answer. At this point I had accepted defeat, and said “Guess whose going to Tirana?” He replied, after a pause “um.. Elder Scadden, no one is going to Tirana, the office told us Elder Suell could come alone, didn't elder Flack tell you?” As the look of realization passed over my face, Elder Flack burst into laughter. It was actually pretty hilarious. He had me thinking the whole time that this game was for real. Even afterwards he told me that even if someone had to go down with Suell he would have stayed because it wouldn't have been wise to leave two junior companions here. Now that I am typing it, its not so funny. It was hilarious at the time. Anyway, Elder Flack and I have had some good times, its hard to believe that in two weeks I’ll probably not be serving with him anymore.

Hey, so some Albanian told me there were race riots going on in the United States, is that true? What is the state of the Union currently? The few messages I hear about the States is that they’re falling apart.

So this week I was reminded of a lesson I received in the MTC that I do not recall sharing, but I was reminded of it this week when we were planning a lesson for some of our members. It is the scripture that I totally have blanked on the reference that says “By small and simple things great things come to pass” It is interesting that the scripture, though referring to the Book of Mormon, makes no implication that by small and simple things do only great good things come to past, and therefore I believe it applies to both spectrum of good and evil. That even by small and simple things do great bad things come to past. It is on this that I want to speak. Here in Shkoder I continue to see more and more members fall deeper and deeper away. I am convinced it is because they stopped doing the small and simple things that are necessary to gain and to maintain a testimony. There are 3 simple things that together are the key foundations of a testimony, and we have heard them over and over and over again: Scripture reading, prayer and church attendance. Why do we hear it over and over again? Because they are small and simple things, but by doing them- or not doing them- are great things brought to pass. I can affirm that by neglecting scripture study and prayers the will and strength to keep the commandments is diminished. One finally falls into sin and testimony is completely smothered. The eternal salvation of the soul is truly a stake, something marvelously huge in the grand scheme of things. It all begins with giving a little here, letting yourself down off the mountain a step there, all SMALL and SIMPLE things. Now, while the three things I mentioned are the foundation of a testimony, we cannot expect to continue to grow greater if we only do those things, inevitably we must serve others, fulfill callings, attend the temple, and bear testimony to others. But the beginning and central part of gaining true testimony of our Lord and Savior and of his doctrines is by study (reading scriptures), prayer, and hearing the good word of God (church attendance). If any one reading this feels their testimony struggling, and is wondering why, examine the small and simple things in your life, they may be tearing down the truths you once understood and accepted. I know Christ is my savior, and that this is his True and Living church, and I know it without a sliver of doubt in my heart.

There is something very interesting about Albania. Because religion was so repressed for so long, people are utterly ignorant to many aspects of religion. For example: Most people here do not understand the difference between Catholic and Christian. All Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Catholic. When they ask us what faith we are with, we tell them “we are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” Oh, so your Catholic! No… we are not. Well, if you are not Catholic you MUST be orthodox (BTW most people in Shkoder do not think that Orthodoxy is Christian. roflcopter), no, we aren't them either. YOU can’t be Muslim can you?? Nope, we aren't Muslim. Well then what faith are you??? There are only those three!! I think I have seen people nearly have aneurysms over trying to comprehend that there are more than 3 religious sects in the world. Ironically, we start most of our lessons by clarifying that we are NOT with the catholic church, or any other church but our own, but still most people think we are some approved branch of the Catholic church. I would like to mention, if any of my good Catholic friends do read this blog, that I am not at odds with your religion at all. We are fellow believers in Christ, and you are my friends. But you are also not ignorant and are generally aware of what you believe. Thank you for that. Whereas I highly doubt that most of the people we talk to understand their doctrine. Few things bug me more than meeting a Muslim that says they do not believe in Jesus Christ, it makes me want to take a Koran and beat them with it. OK enough of that negativity!

Anyway, the work is hard, but I am enjoying it. It is indeed the Lords work, and it is moving forward by his hand. Keep a positive attitude, it makes such a difference! I thank you all for your prayers, I feel their support. I love you all very much. I miss you greatly. May God be with you!

Love, Elder Scadden

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